
Programme for Government will have Scottish Green values at its heart

Today's Programme for Government will be an important step in building a fairer, greener Scotland.

The Scottish Government’s Programme for Government will have Scottish Green values at its heart, says the Party’s Co-leader Lorna Slater.

The programme, announced today by the First Minister, will focus on the climate crisis and the cost of living emergency that Westminster has inflicted on households and families across Scotland.

Scottish Greens · Programme for Government will have Green values at its heart says Lorna Slater

Speaking ahead of its publication, Ms Slater said:

“This will be a positive and progressive programme for action that has Green values at its heart. 

“It demonstrates the strength and the value of the cooperation agreement between the Scottish Greens and the Scottish Government in the face of brutal Tory cuts and Labour’s shameful retreat on climate action.

“We are already showing the positive impact that Scottish Green voices are having, with a Scottish Child Payment of £25 a week, free bus travel for young people and a rent cap and protections for vulnerable tenants. 

“These are big changes that go beyond anything else being done in the UK. They are having a big impact and are lifting people out of poverty. 

“We are delivering for the planet, with a groundbreaking just transition fund that is helping the shift to renewables and record investment in wildlife, nature and infrastructure for walking, wheeling and cycling.

“All of this stands in stark contrast to the chaos, calamity and climate wrecking policies we are seeing from Westminster.

“We will build on this record of delivery with today’s Programme for Government, which will lay out the steps that we are taking for Scotland’s communities and our environment. 

“With Scottish Greens in government we will continue to deliver the change that is so urgently needed.”

More in Programme for Government